Sri Ram Nallamani Yadava Pharmacy College

✆ +91 9629859691 ,  04633 – 213525                                                                      ✉                                                        


Pharmaceutics is the discipline of Pharmacy that deals with all facets of the process of turning a New Chemical Entity (NCE) into a safe and effective medication. Pharmaceutics is the Science of dosage form design. Pharmaceutics deals with the formulation of a pure drug substance into a dosage form.

Pharmaceutics is a subject that include in all four years of B.Pharmacy. Apart from this, Pharmaceutics department handles the following subjects.

PHARMACEUTICS-I :- Pharmaceutics-I deals with the formulation of drugs from natural and synthetic sources like the liquid dosage forms are Syrups, Emulsion, Suspension, Elixirs, Enema, Mouth washes and Gargles; Solid dosage forms are like Tablets, Capsules, Powders; Semi solid dosage forms are Ointment, Paste, Jellies and Creams; Gaseous dosage forms are Inhalers and Nebulizers.

PHYSICAL PHARMACY: – This subject deals with the applications of Physical & Chemical principles to problem in the Pharmaceutical Sciences.

PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING: – Pharmaceutical Engineering is the study of machinery involved in large scale manufacturing of dosage forms.

PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOGY: – The branch of Biology deals with the Microorganism and their effect on other living organism.

HOSPITAL PHARMACY AND DRUG MANAGEMENT: – It is a specialized field of Pharmacy which forms an integral part of patient health care in a health facility.

COSMETICOLOGY: – It deals with the formulation of various cosmetic preparations and their uses

BIOPHARMACEUTICS AND PHARMACOKINETICS: – The science and study of the ways in which the Pharmaceutical formulation of administered agents can influence their Pharmacodynamic & Pharmacokinetic behavior.

NOVEL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM: – It deals with the study of new techniques of drug delivery.

INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY: – Industrial Pharmacy is to ensure the efficient and safe production of Pharmaceutical products that meet the required standards and regulatory requirements.