Sri Ram Nallamani Yadava Pharmacy College

✆ +91 9629859691 ,  04633 – 213525                                                                      ✉                                                        


The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry consists of a diverse group of faculty members. The department is equipped with the necessary instrumentation, promoting research to under graduate students. The faculty members are recognized authorities in their areas of specialization such as Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Drug Design.

The Laboratories of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry are equipped with the necessary instruments, glassware and facilities for conducting practical classes and carrying out research projects. The department is equipped with sophisticated instruments like fully automated advanced Microwave system, Flash rotary vacuum evaporator, Vacuum oven, Thermostatic oil bath, Thermostatic water bath.

Welcome Message

The department of Pharmaceutical chemistry consists faculty members, and UG students working at the interface of drug chemistry and target biology. The faculty members are actively involved in search of novel inhibitors in the area of inflammation, cancer, tuberculosis as well as isolation and characterization of natural products. The undergraduate students are designed in such a way to develop better in the field of pharmacy.
